Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Attitudes To Language Essay Example

Attitudes To Language Essay Example Attitudes To Language Essay Attitudes To Language Essay According Webster(1985), to research is to search or investigate exhaustively. It is a careful or diligent search, studious inquiry or examination especially investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws, it can also be the collection of information about a particular subject. A focus group is used as a preliminary research technique to explore peoples ideas and attitudes. It is often used to test new approaches (such as products or dvertising), and to discover customer concerns. A group of 6 to 20 people meet in a conference-room-like setting with a trained moderator. The room usually contains a one-way mirror for viewing, including audio and video capabilities. The moderator leads the groups discussion and keeps the focus on the areas you want to explore. Focus groups can be conducted within a couple of weeks and cost between two and three thousand dollars. Their disadvantage is that the sample is small and may not be representative of the population in general. www. socialresearchmethods. et/tutorial/Colosi/lcolosi2. tm Reliability and Validity: Whats the Difference? Reliability Definition: Reliability is the consistency of your measurement, or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects. In short, it is the repeatability of your measurement. A measure is considered rel iable if a persons score on the same test given twice is ssimilar. It is important to remember that reliability is not measured, it is estimated. There are two ways that reliability is usually estimated: test/retest and internal consistency. Test/Retest Test/retest is the more conservative method to estimate reliability. Simply put, the idea behind test/retest is that you should get the same score on test 1 as you do on test 2. The three main components to this method are as follows: 1 . ) implement your measurement instrument at two separate times for each subject; 2). compute the correlation between the two separate measurements; and 3) assume there is no change in the underlying condition (or trait you are trying to measure) between test 1 and test 2. Internal Consistency Internal consistency estimates reliability by grouping questions in a questionnaire hat measure the same concept. For example, you could write two sets of three questions that measure the same concept (say class participation) and after collecting the responses, run a correlation between those two groups of three questions to determine if your instrument is reliably measuring that concept. One common way 0T computing correlatlon values among tne questlons on your instruments is by using Cronbachs Alpha. In short, Cronbachs alpha splits all the questions on your instrument every possible way and computes correlation values for them all (we use a computer program for this part). In the end, your computer utput generates one number for Cronbachs alpha and Just like a correlation coefficient, the closer it is to one, the higher the reliability estimate of your instrument. Cronbachs alpha is a less conservative estimate of reliability than test/ retest. The primary difference between test/retest and internal consistency estimates of reliability is that test/retest involves two administrations of the measurement instrument, whereas the internal consistency method involves only one administration of that instrument. Validity Definition:Validity is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. More formally, Cook and Campbell (1979) define it as the best available approximation to the truth or falsity of a given inference, proposition or conclusion. In short, were we right? Lets look at a simple example. Say we are studying the effect of strict attendance policies on class participation. In our case, we saw that class participation did increase after the ppolicy was established. Each type of validity would highlight a different aspect of the relationship between our treatment (strict attendance ppolicy) and our observed outcome (increased class participation). Types of Validity: There are four types of validity commonly examined in social research. 1 . Conclusion validity asks is there a relationship between the program and the observed outcome? Or, in our example, is there a connection between the attendance ppolicy and the increased participation we saw? 2. Internal Validity asks if there is a relationship between the program and the outcome we saw, is it a causal relationship? For example, did the attendance ppolicy cause class participation to increase? 3. Construct validity is the hardest to understand in my opinion. It asks if there is there relationship between how I operationalized my concepts in this study to the actual causal relationship Im trying to study? Or in our example, did our treatment (attendance ppolicy) reflect the construct of attendance, and did our measured outcome increased class participation reflect the construct of participation? Overall, we are trying to generalize our conceptualized treatment and outcomes to broader constructs of the same concepts. 4. External validity refers to our ability to generalize the results of our study to other settings. In our example, could we eneralize our results to other classrooms? Threats To Internal Validity There are three main types of threats to internal validity single group, multiple group and social interaction threats. Single Group Threats apply when you are studying a single group receiving a program or treatment. Thus, all of these threats can be greatly reduced by adding a control group that is comparable to your program group to your study. A History Threat occurs when an historical event affects your program group such that it causes the outcome you observe (rather than your treatment being the cause). In our earlier example, this would mean that the stricter attendance ppolicy did not cause an increase in class participation, but rather, the expulslon 0T several sstudents Oue to low partlclpatlon Trom scnool Impacted your program group such that they increased their participation as a result. A Maturation Threat to internal validity occurs when standard events over the course of time cause your outcome. For example, if by chance, the sstudents who participated in your study on class participation all grew up naturally and realized that class participation increased their learning (how likely is that? that could be the cause of your increased participation, not the stricter attendance ppolicy. A Testing Threat to internal validity is simply when the act of taking a pre-test affects how that group does on the post-test. For example, if in your study of class participation, you measured class participation prior to implementing your new attendance ppolicy, and sstudents became forewa rned that there was about to be an emphasis on participation, they may increase it simply as a result of involvement in the pretest measure and thus, your outcome could be a result of a testing threat not your reatment. An Instrumentation Threat to internal validity could occur if the effect of increased participation could be due to the way in which that pretest was implemented. A Mortality Threat to internal validity occurs when subjects drop out of your study, and this leads to an inflated measure of your effect. For example, if as a result of a stricter attendance ppolicy, most sstudents drop out of a class, leaving only those more serious sstudents in the class (those who would participate at a high level naturally) this could mean your effect is overestimated and suffering from a mortality threat. The last single group threat to internal validity is a Regression Threat. This is the most intimating of them all Oust its name alone makes one panic). Dont panic. Simply put, a regression threat mearns that there is a tendency for the sample (those sstudents you study for example) to score close to the average (or mean) of a larger population from the pretest to the posttest. This is a common occurrence, and will happen between almost any two variables that you take two measures of. Because it is common, it is easily remedied through either the inclusion of a control group or through a carefully designed research plan (this is discussed ater). For a great discussion of regression threats, go to Bill Trochims Center for Social Research Methods. In sum, these single group threats must be addressed in your research for it to remain credible. One primary way to accomplish this is to include a control group comparable to your program group. This however, does not solve all our problems, as Ill now highlight the multiple group threats to internal validity. Multiple Group Threats to internal validity involve the comparability of the two groups in your study, and whether or not any other factor other than your treatment causes the outcome. They also (conveniently) mirror the single group threats to internal validity. A Selection-History threat occurs when an event occurring between the pre and post test affects the two groups differently. A Selection- Maturation threat occurs when there are different rates of growth between the two groups between the pre and post test. Selection-Testing threat is the result of the different effect from taking tests between the two groups. A Selection- Instrumentation threat occurs when the test implementation affects the groups differently between the pre and post test. A Selection-Mortality Threat occurs when here are different rates of dropout between the groups which leads to you detecting an effect that may not actually occur. Finally, a Selection-Regression threat occurs wnen tne two groups regress towards tne mean at OITTerent rates. Okay, so Know tnat you have dragged yourself through these extensive lists of threats to validity youre wondering how to make sense of it all. How do we minimize these threats without going insane in the process? The best advice Ive been given is to use two groups when possible, and if you do, make sure they are as comparable as is humanly possible. Whether you conduct a randomized experiment or a non-random study YOUR GROUPS MUST BE AS EQUIVALENT AS POSSIBLE! This the best way to strengthen the internal validity of your research. The last type of threat to discuss involves the social pressures in the research context that can impact your results. These are known as social interaction threats to internal validity. Diffusion or Imitation of Treatment occurs when the comparison group learns about the program group and imitates them, which will lead to an equalization of outcomes between the groups (you will not see an effect as easily). Compensatory Rivalry mearns that the comparison group develops a competitive attitude towards the program group, and this also makes it harder to detect an effect due to your treatment rather than the comparison groups reaction to the program group. Resentful Demoralization is a threat to internal validity that exaggerates the posttest differences between the two groups. This is because the comparison group (upon learning of the program group) gets discouraged and no longer tries to achieve on their own. Compensatory Equalization of Treatment is the only threat that is a result of the actions of the esearch staff it occurs when the staff begins to compensate the comparison group to be fair in their opinion, and this leads to an equalization between the groups and makes it harder to detect an effect due to your program. Threats to Construct I know, I know youre thinking no I Just cant go on. Lets take a deep breath and Ill remind you what construct validity is, and then well look at the threats to it one at a time. 0K? 0K. Constuct validity is the degree to which inferences we have made from our study can be generalized to the concepts underlying our program in the first lace. For example, if we are measuring self-esteem as an outcome, can our definition (operationalization) of that term in our study be generalized to the rest of the worlds concept of self-esteem? k, lets address the threats to construct validity slowly dont be intimidated by their lengthy academic names Ill provide an English translation. Inadequate Preoperational Explication of Constructs simply mearns we did not define our concepts very well before we measured them or implemented our treatment. The solution? Define your concepts well before proceeding to the easurement phase of your study. Mono-operation bias simply mearns we only used one version of our independent variable (our program or treatment) in our study, and hence, limit the breadth of our studys results. The solution? Try to implement multiple versions of your program to increase your studys utility. Mono-method bias simply put, mearns that you only used one measure or observation of an important concept, which in the end, reduces the evidence that your measure is a valid one. The solution? Implement multiple measures of key concepts and do pilot studies to ry to demonstrate that your measures are valid. Interaction of Testing and Treatment occurs when the testing in combination with the treatment produces an effect. Thus you have inadequately defined your treatment, as testing becomes part ue to ts Innuence on tne outcome. I ne solutlon? Laoel your treatment accurately. Interaction of Different Treatments mearns that it was a combination of our treatment and other things that brought about the effect. For example, if you were studying the ability of Tylenol to reduce headaches and in actuality it was a ombination of Tylenol and Advil or Tylenol and exercise that reduced headaches you would have an interaction of different treatments threatening your construct validity. Restricted Generalizability Across Constructs simply put, mearns that there were some unanticipated effects from your program, that may make it difficult to say your program was effective. Confounding Constructs occurs when you are unable to detect an effect from your program because you may have mislabeled your constructs or because the level of your treatment wasnt enough to cause an effect. As with internal validity, there are a few social threats to construct validity also. These include: 1 . Hypothesis Guessing: when participants base their behavior on what they think your study is about so your outcome is really not due solely to the program but also to the participants reaction to you and your study. 2. Evaluator Apprehension: When participants are fearful of your study to the point that it influences the treatment effect you detect. 3. Experimenter Expectancies: when researcher reactions shape the participants responses so you mislabel the reatment effect you see as due to the program when it is more likely due to the researchers behavior. See, that wasnt so bad. We broke things down and attacked them one at a time. You may be wondering why I havent given you along list of threats to conclusion and external validity the simple answer is it seems as if the more critical threats involve internal and construct validity. And, the mearns by which we improve conclusion and external validity will be highlighted in the section on Strengthening Your Analysis. Summary The real difference between reliability and validity is mostly a matter of definition. Reliability estimates the consistency of your measurement, or more simply the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used in under the same conditions with the same subjects. Validity, on the other hand, involves the degree to which your are measuring what you are supposed to, more simply, the accuracy of your measurement. It is my belief that validity is more important than reliability because if an instrument does not accurately measure what it is supposed to, there is no reason to use it even if it measures consistently (reliably). Back to the Home Page

Friday, November 22, 2019


Memorize Latin From the Aeneid by Vergil/Virgil One technique that may help if you are trying to re-learn Latin is to memorize a chunk of Latin poetry and make it your own. For this purpose, you might want to memorize the first 11 lines of Vergils (or Virgils) Aeneid. Arma virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab orisItaliam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venitlitora, multum ille et terris iactatus et altovi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram;multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem,inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum,Albanique patres, atque altae moenia Romae.Musa, mihi causas memora, quo numine laeso,quidve dolens, regina deum tot volvere casusinsignem pietate virum, tot adire laboresimpulerit. Tantaene animis caelestibus irae? Listen to Robert Sonkowsky reading this passage to get a sense of the pronunciation and rhythm of Classical Latin. After you have begun to learn the passage, read a translation and try to make the translation and the Latin go together. What you do with this chunk of Latin is up to you. You may just keep it in mind as a reminder of the word order in Latin – the first clause is â€Å"arms and the man I sing,† with the verb at the end. Or the fact that certain sentences, like the final question, don’t require an expressed verb at all. Or you may keep the whole passage in mind to remember the names, (Juno, Lavinia, Latium, Italia, Troy, and Alba). Or to try to make sense of the early legendary history of Rome. But here is my suggestion. After you have the passage down cold, try writing your own translation into good English. Then try reverse translating back into Latin prose. The purpose is not to do worry too much about the syntax but to see how different your phrase structure is from Vergil’s . If nothing else, this should give you an appreciation for the variety provided by the Latin language. Example: I sing about arms and the manarma et virum ego cano.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global issues - Assignment Example It had proved to be rather tenable, when used partially, as it was in the post-war Britain, where sacred nature of private property and private enterprises were combined with nationalized industries; in other words, in the mixed economy. Keynes’ purpose, to the contrary, was to subject economy to the governmental central planning. His position implied that the government should take control over the key industrial and economy sectors, regulating them – particularly, via price control. However, this purpose wasn’t achieved to the full extent, as the ideas began to collapse with growth of inflation, unemployment, poverty and extreme forms of governmental control – totalitarian, like in Nazis’ Germany – posing a threat to democracy. His theory had proved to be efficient for wartime but ineffective in the time of peace. However, Keynes remained among the most influential economists of the 20th century. The term â€Å"Commanding Heights† was first mentioned in the speech pronounced by Lenin regarding the key sectors of economy that should be run by the government. To my thinking, governments should own commanding heights only partially to avoid excessive control over economy. There is a huge plus in the global economy, which is absence of boundaries in mutual help, and this is illustrated by operation of numerous international economic organizations like International Monetary Fund. However, there should still be at least partial control over the national economies to prevent negative side effects of globalization; therefore, mixed economy seems the most tenable

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethical Issues in Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ethical Issues in Health - Essay Example Ethical codes usually require freewill or constraint in the part of clients only when threat is probable and imminent. Other scholars firmly oppose this observed contradiction between nursing principles and involuntary treatment; they refer to the right of clients to treatment, not only his/her right to say no to medication, as an essential matter (Freckelton & Lesser, 2003). Yet others argue that taking a stand in this debate draws away the attention of mental health professionals from more crucial issues about the quality of mental health services. Judgments aside, for a large number of mental health professionals, exercising involuntary treatments or forcible medications has become an essential part of their professional obligations. These professionals may frequently admit clients under involuntary directives or assist court orders for outpatient treatment and medication (Hayes et al., 2007). Numerous professionals are now confronted with the challenge of discussing complicated and problematic decisions with clients who pursue treatment under court orders. Similarly, because forced medication for mental disorder is perhaps as persistent as mental disorder itself, numerous mental health clients with severe and chronic mental disorders will undergo such medication over the course of their disorder (Freckelton & Lesser, 2003). Usually, forced mental health procedures may be given as a ‘crisis stabilization’ type of hospitalization in case of probable threat to the client or to others (Shally-Jensen, 2013, 369). Sev eral states are increasingly implementing outpatient authorized treatment that preferably administers ‘assisted treatment’ (Shally-Jensen, 2013, 369) with additional resources and further implications if treatment procedures are not followed. Mental disorder can be a dreadful misfortune affecting not just the patient but family members, communities, and the society

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ending Poverty in the Third World Essay Example for Free

Ending Poverty in the Third World Essay Poverty continues to be a large part of the third world countries, affecting many people’s wellbeing and country stability in the new millennium, despite many strategies put in place to alleviate the poor status. Due to the continued prominent place of poverty in the third world countries, significant strategies are coming up comprising of political, social, spiritual, environmental, and managerial coping strategies. The strategies have realized various levels of success although it highly depends on the place of implementation and the taskforce mandated to implement the development strategies. The failure or minimal success of some of the strategies geared towards ending poverty in the third world, has encouraged the developed and developing countries, and developmental related agencies to focus on coming up with new theories with the likelihood of more success. Nevertheless, poverty in the third world continues to be a major challenge in the world with many strategies, some successful and others marked with dismal failure coming up to alleviate third world poverty. Description of Poverty in the Third World Poverty implies a lack of adequate food and shelter, lack of better housing, sanitation, access of safe drinking water attributed to lack of income to facilitate acquisition of basic necessities, a sense of powerlessness, and vulnerability to adverse shocks (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). The concept of poverty encompasses a large spectrum of attributes such as levels of income and consumption, health, education, security, and housing. Nevertheless, poverty is largely an attribute of low income that prevents individuals and families from acquiring and enjoying basic life necessities such as nutritious food, clothing, shelter, and clean water. Regions highly affected by the incidence of poverty are Africa and Asia, also referred as the third world, the developing nations, or less developed countries, although Africa suffers a more rampant extent of poverty compared to Asia (Parsed et al, 2005, p. 290). Among these countries, the poor live mostly on less than a dollar a day, although some live on $2 a day, although the incidence and gap may not be significant either in the African or Asian developing countries. In the past decade, the development of the concept of globalization gave promise to the reduction of poverty in the third world because of the removal of control on free movement of goods and services; however, the initial hope is yet to be realized. Encouraging the possibility of poverty eradication within the emergence of globalization has been the United Nations and the development of goals towards alleviation of poverty, and the entry of the international community in the process of poverty eradication in the third world. Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals At the turn of the millennium in 2000, the United States member states agreed on eight international development goals to be achieved by 2015 that the countries adopted in 2001 in order to assist impoverished nations and create a sustainable global community. The first goal of the eight was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, with the target being to half the number of people living on less than a dollar per day and reduce by half the number of people suffering from hunger. From the creation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and various public, private, and federal agencies worked towards establishing developmental strategies that would facilitate the realization of the goals (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 1). The strategies have been constructed mainly along the international community through the UNDP, NGOs funded by international groups, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) towards poverty reduction. Agreeably, poverty reduction especially in the third world has been an ongoing process in many countries. However, its recognition by the UN made it a priority within the international community with the MDGs becoming a coherent expression of global development priorities and an instrument to shape development policies (Eggen and Bezemer, 2007, p. 2). The introduction of the MDGs meant that the world had a standard by which to measure the success of policy interventions in poverty reduction within a certain period. In the discussion of the strategies set towards ending poverty in the third world, the policy interventions attributed to the MDGs, and the international community forms a critical part of the exploration. Therefore, throughout the paper, reference to the MDGs, the international community, and globalization are inevitable. Strategies towards Ending Poverty in the Third World When considering the interventions being developed towards ending poverty in the third world, one should consider the causes of poverty and their role in determining the responses towards poverty by all key players including inhabitants of third world countries, potential donors, and those from developed countries or economies. Among some of the determined causes of poverty in the third world first is the high and underdeveloped population in the third world attributed to lack of ability among the people, unwillingness to change traditional ways and customs, lack of proper resource management, lack of attempt at self-improvement, laziness, and lack of knowledge (Panadero and Vazquez, 2008, p. 574). The second cause is poor governance in third world countries attributed to corruption and inefficiency among the governments, while the third cause is exploitation of the third world countries by other countries especially developed countries and by the world economy and banking systems, and lack of an open market system. The fourth cause of poverty in the third world according to Panadero and Vasquez (2008) is war whereby the governments spend too much on arms and more is spent in restoring the country after a war or keep the country afloat in the course of the war. Lastly, third world poverty is attributed to natural causes that include diseases, pests and insects that destroy crops, natural disasters because of poor climatic conditions and lack of environmental friendly knowledge. Alleviation and eradication of poverty in the third world will take the effort of the inhabitants of these countries, those from the developed economies and the organizations key to development such as UNDP, World Bank and the IMF. The effort should focus on strategies that will facilitate reduction and eventual eradication of poverty, and ensuring people from the third world gain the knowledge and provisions needed to prevent them from going back to their current status. Agreeably, the eradication of poverty in the third world requires a multidimensional focus that does not only concentrate on reducing income poverty, which has been the focus of many interventions, but also include interventions geared towards reduction of human deprivation in all dimensions (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). To achieve a global reduction of poverty as per the MDGs by 2015, the third world countries comprising the world’s poorest countries need to pursue wide ranges of reforms with developed nations responding to the effort through improved trade terms and increased aid. According to Chopra (2005), action is critical in ensuring global financial stability and ensuring that poor countries are at par with developed nations in the adoption of technology and in scientific and medical research (p. 52). Further, the wealthy nations must open their markets to the products of the poor countries, with aid and debt relief increased to help the poor countries help themselves without the interference of the wealthy nations, which has marked most of the intervention programs. Nevertheless, the poor nations need to give voice to their need and influence decision-making in international forums, noting that in most forums the powerful developed countries make much of the decisions related to the development of the poor nations. Therefore, for the world to end third world poverty and ensure that the global platform allows equal opportunities and competition to all, the international community needs to review existing intervention programs. Among interventions that can aid the process of ending third world poverty that have been part of the implemented strategies, include one promoting equal opportunity through the expansion of economic opportunities for poor people through the stimulation of overall growth (Chopra, 2005, p. 51). Additional strategies towards offering equal opportunity is building up the poor countries assets and increasing the asset returns through market and non-market action. As stated in the discussion of causes of poverty, one of the mentions causes is an underdeveloped population; therefore, offering opportunities for economic expansion will help these populations begin thriving thus facilitate a reduction of poverty. Furthermore, another attributed cause of poverty is a closed market that does not allow the poor nations to promote their products in the developed nations; however, creation of opportunities through the opening of markets will enable them access the international market. Additionally, the promotion of assets especially within the international community is another strategy of providing equal opportunities to the poor nations. Second intervention is facilitating empowerment through adoption of accountability in state institutions and response to the needs of the poor people, as well as strengthening the participation of poor people in political processes and local decision-making (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Further, empowerment requires people be encouraged to participate in political processes, local decision making, and eradicating social barriers that contribute to gender, ethnic, racial, religious, and social distinction. Dealing with unaccountability in state institutions including governments ensures successful address of some of the cause of poverty, which is corrupt government. Further, strengthening people’s participation in decision-making will provide the link between the people, the leadership, and the resources resulting in better resource usage that has been lacking in many third world countries. The third factor in addressing poverty in the third world is enlargement of security through reduction of people’s vulnerability to ill health, economic shocks, policy induced dislocations, natural disasters, and violence (Chopra, 2005, p. 52). Notably, health is a significant factor in development because when people are healthy they are more likely to engage in economically productive activities compared to when they are ill or undergoing natural circumstances that reduce their efficiency. Security should also include protection from violence, and helping the people deal with adverse shocks when they occur. Maintenance of security is important to offer people an opportunity to work towards developmentally beneficial activities without fear of violence, disease, or natural disasters, and incase such events occur people should know their country has the capacity to address them and restore order. The implementation of some of these factors as discussed in the subsequent section has been ongoing in many parts of the third world realizing a steady decline in poverty. However, the number of the poor continues to be significant denoting a failure in the effective of the strategies, and requiring developmental agencies and developing nations to either adopt different strategies or approach the existing strategies from another side. Nevertheless, one cannot claim that the international community has not been trying to meet the MDGs especially in the third world and some poor parts of the developed nations.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

lord of the flies :: essays research papers

The novel Lord of the Flies was full of challenges that the boys overcame in order to survive. Conflicts within themselves, with nature and with each other constantly test the children’s ability to endure. Struggles against the natural elements of the island, rival groups or fear of the unknown continually appear throughout the story. Some of the boys on the island did not survive the quarrels that they faced. They perished because they were lacking something that the surviving boys did not. The survivors had a natural primal instinct or a physical or mental advantage over the boys who did not make it. ‘Only the strong survive’ is an important element that runs through the novel Lord of the Flies because in order to survive the boys must turn to their primitive instincts of physical strength and savagery.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the three children who did not survive the island was the mulberry colored birthmark boy. He represents the weaknesses and insignificance of all the littluns that are on the island. The littluns are younger, less developed and less experienced compared to the older children. As a result the littluns are at a disadvantage to the other boys. The mental weakness of the littluns is evident when they talk about their fear of a monster on the island: â€Å"He still says he saw the beastie. It came and went away again an’ came back and wanted to eat him.†(35). As most young children do, the littleuns confused fantasy with reality and as a result a monster was believed to live on the island. The littluns lack of maturity and concentration is shown when Ralph and Simon are building the shelters and Ralph says, â€Å"I bet if I blew the conch this minute, they’d come running. Then we’d be, you know, very solemn, and someone would say we o ut to build a jet, or a submarine, or a TV set. When the meeting was over they’d work for five minutes then wonder off.†(51). The death of the mulberry colored birthmark boy clearly shows that the littluns are insignificant to the other children on the island. When the children built the fire on the mountain and the flames caught on the canopy below Piggy realizes that the mulberry colored birthmark boy was not with them. Piggy shows the littluns’ insignificance when he says, â€Å"That little ‘un-‘ gasped Piggy-‘him with the mark on his face, I don’t see him.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

American Dream Is Still Alive

American Dream is Still Alive My whole life I grew up believing that there is such thing as the American Dream. The last couple years my faith in that has been tested for sure. Today there are many problems with the economy; there are many people out there who think there's no such thing as the American Dream anymore. â€Å"The creation of a government that is out of control, and thus out of touch, robs every citizen, preventing fulfillment of the original American Dream (Thomas 569). I agree with this, however I am still proud to be an American and I believe that no matter how hard it is, you can do anything you put your mind to. It's not going to be easy; in fact it will be much more challenging than it used to be when the economy was different. But that doesn’t mean that the American Dream has been lost forever. The American dream may not be exactly what it used to be, and it may be harder to achieve than ever before; however, it is still alive. One reason the American dre am is harder to achieve is because America is in a financial crisis.Costly war after costly war is being fought. Our men and women are fighting wars in other countries and are gone for years on end†¦many don’t return at all. Our economy has taken a nose dive, and at a rate that many wonder if there is any hope of it ever coming back up. It seems that more people are unemployed than working, and even those who were highly employable before can’t seem to find a job anymore. The top 4 percent of Americans hold the largest amount of money, and is not trickling down. Many believe we are going through another depression. Children are starving and standards of living are lowering. Wherever you choose to look—at the economy and jobs, the public schools, the budget deficits, the nonstop warfare overseas—you’ll see a country in sad shape (Herbert 564). † It is evident that things need to change. The American Dream may be buried, but we can dig it up and find ways to make it live long and prosperous once again. The news shows that unemployment is slowly dropping, but I can’t help but wonder if that is because those people who receive unemployment benefits are no longer receiving benefits, not necessarily because they have a job, but because their money has run out.In order to make it at all we need to be earning an income. Not to mention the fact that when we are working, most people aren’t even earning a living wage; but what makes matters worse, unemployment is so high these days, just finding a job is becoming next to impossible. The high unemployment makes things so difficult these days. So many people are scrambling to make a living or to make ends meet. With the economy as fallen as it is, even highly educated people are without a job. Many people are finding out that you can be too educated for a regular job.Others are finding that employers don’t want to hire you if you are unemployed. Again, othe rs are highly trainable and would make excellent employees, but employers don’t want to take the time or spend the money to train. During a recession like this, many people need to be working two jobs just to make ends meet. But even fast food restaurants have raised their standards to high that they expect a resume before the consider you. With so little people hiring and those hiring having such high standards, people are becoming desperate just to find a job. State and local governments, faced with fiscal nightmares, are reducing services, cutting their work forces, hacking away at health and pension benefits, and raising taxes and fees. In many cases, the austerity measures are punishing some of the most vulnerable people, including children, the sick, and the disabled (Herbert 565). † These cutbacks have had many ramifications on the American Dream. People who were well on their way to achieving it had their dreams snatched out from under them as employers let peop le go, lowered wages, took away bonuses, and raised the fees on benefits or cut it all together.Suddenly new grads needed more experience and education to get their foot in the door while earning barely enough to pay their rent, let alone their student loans. America has recently fallen into a great recession, and though some claim we are no longer in a recession, our country and has never quite bounced back. Our economy is fragile and unstable. â€Å"In June 2009†¦. native born workers lost 1. 2 million [jobs] (Herbert 565). † Businesses are afraid to hire more workers; for fear that consumers aren’t comfortable spending money quite yet.Consumers are afraid to spend money for fear that they won’t be earning any more. People who were once financially stable are barely getting by, some even homeless. This recession has been said to be equal to, if not worse than, the Great Depression. â€Å"The human suffering in the years required to recover from the reces sion will continue to be immense (Herbert 565). † Recovery may be happening, but is definitely an unstable process. Jobs are still hard to come by and a living wage is still almost unheard of. â€Å"The U. S. needs to develop a full-employment economy that provides jobs for all ho want to work at pay that enables workers and their families to enjoy a decent standard of living (Herbert 565). † In this day and age, it is as much about earning a wage that pays the bills as it is to have a job. What’s the point of working 45 hours a week if it doesn’t pay all your bills? Many people are willing to work the jobs that they may have never considered before, but those jobs don’t come close to paying a living wage. Potential small business owners are having a hard time starting up, as banks are uneasy about giving business loans, slowing job growth even more.Another hindrance in the comeback of our beautiful country is the enormous gap between our wealthiest and our poorest. â€Å"As long as income and wealth keep concentrating at the top, and the great divide between America’s have-mores and have-lesses continues to widen, the Great Recession won’t end, at least not in the real economy. Weak national real estate markets, sluggish job growth, and slow recovery of liquid assets lost during the recession are obstacles to a full recovery (King 574). † There was once a time where you could not exactly be rich, but not exactly be poor.You could afford to live, have a decent job, and even go on vacation. Maybe you couldn’t afford to own two brand new vehicles and put your children in expensive private schools, but you had a savings account that had money in it and were happy with where your hard work had taken you. That, my friends, is what used to be called the Middle Class. It is quickly becoming something of the past, and without those striving for the American Dream, may become a mythical fairytale that we tel l our children and grandchildren about. The importance of education has fallen to the back burner as cuts to public school become greater.As the saying goes, children are our future. They are the people that will be, one day, running our government. When cuts are constantly being made to public schools, children aren’t getting what they need to get the kind of education that allows them to grow up to be critical thinking adults. â€Å"A monopolistic government school system keeps the poor from achieving their dreams, as many remain locked, producing graduates who lag behind other nations in subjects that matter (Thomas 569). † The subjects children are taught were chosen with care.Every child has different talents, and those talents need to be fostered. When subjects get cut from schools, many children miss out on learning what they need to learn in order to grow and become who they are supposed to do. â€Å"There was a time when the United States understood the impor tance of educating its young people and led the way in compulsory public schooling. It also built the finest higher education system in the world. Now, although no one will admit it publicly, we’ve decided to go in another direction (Herbert 566). † This is sad but true.Somewhere down the line, we must have forgotten that a poor education creates a poor society. There is only one teacher per classroom, but each classroom has over two dozen children, each having separate learning needs, and each having different learning styles. With funding being directed places other than public education, the result is schools closing. All over America school after school after school is being closed. This puts hardworking teachers out of business and crams the classrooms even more with children who require a proper education that consists of one-on-one time. Public figures talks endlessly about ‘transformative changes’ in public education, but the years go by and we see no such thing (Herbert 566). † Lately, it seems the only changes we’ve seen have not been what are best for our education system. â€Å"School systems around the country are being hammered with dreadful cutbacks and teachers are being let go in droves, not because they are incompetent, but strictly for budget reasons (Herbert 566). † This leaves kindergartens with waiting lists and parents who have to pay upwards of $300 a month kindergarten fees.Some children are put in part time daycare, while others get full time. However, both go to first grade. I can’t help but wonder if one is more prepared than the other? But I believe there is a silver lining to all of this. The American dream is still alive there is always hope for a better future. The fact that there hasn’t been an overturn of government proves that we are strong. We can adapt to new challenges that come our way. We may get knocked down a time or two, but it’s that light at the end of the tunnel—the one some call the American Dream—that get us back up to try again. As a nation, we have dealt with economic downturns in the past, and the American Dream has faced trials and tests before†¦We have adapted the values contained within the American Dream to meet new challenges (King 577). † Many people have been hit hard with the economic changes. They acclimated to new situations, new ways of living, reinvented themselves, and in doing so, they have found their way back on top. One way we can help bring back the American Dream to its full potential, is to support local business and buy locally.Entrepreneurs create businesses, hire people; people get paid, people shop. People have nice things and money in their pockets, they aren’t so scared to help pay taxes and fund good schools. â€Å"I believe it is necessary and imperative to continue to support the business mechanisms that sustain our economy (King 577). † Without a booming economy, we don’t have a functioning society. We need to support our brothers and sisters. We need to help those around us, and not let it burden us. All this will help create more jobs, and will in turn help the community.If anyone works hard enough, they can â€Å"climb out of hardship and achieve success (King 577). † Hard work is key. It pays off. Sometimes it takes longer than we want it to, but if we don’t give up, we will reap the reward. If we have proven anything in this day and age, it is that we are persistent. â€Å"Despite the recent recession, many have faith that as long as people believe they have a chance of becoming better off than they are today, then the American dream is intact (King 577). † We all have the American Dream inside us, and we will work to achieve it, doing whatever it takes.I believe the American Dream is very much alive. It may not look exactly like it did 50, 60, or 70 years ago, but it is here to stay. Society has ad apted and changed, and so has the American Dream. No longer is it about becoming as rich as one possibly can, but about being financially secure, having a job that pays a living wage, as well as having a savings. Stability is more important that material wealth. It’s a good dream. It may not be so easy to obtain, but it is within reach. With hard work and a positive attitude, I believe it is much closer than we realize.Work Cited Herbert, Bob. â€Å"Hiding from Reality. † They Say, I Say with Readings. 2nd ed. Eds, Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russell Durst. New York: WW. Norton Company, 2012, 564-67. Print. King, Brandon. â€Å"The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold? † They Say, I Say with Readings. 2nd ed. Eds. Gerald Graff et al. New York: Norton, 2012. 572-79. Print. Thomas, Cal. â€Å"Is the American Dream Over? † They Say, I Say with Readings. 2nd ed. Eds, Gerald Graff et al. New York: Norton, 2012. 568-70. Print.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mohawk Indians: Past and Present Essay

The Mohawk Nation is a Native American tribe of the New York area. They were a sedentary tribe who practiced agriculture in the harsh northeast climate. The primary crops were corn, squash, and beans. The Mohawk were skilled trappers who took advantage of this skill when the Europeans arrived in their area. The tribes worked with other tribes to achieve better relations with other Native Americans and Europeans. This included a constitution and treaties with Americans and Canadians. The modern day Mohawk Nation has tried to keep their culture and their land. The nation of the Mohawks once covered a large area of New York, Ontario, and Quebec. Present day Mohawks mainly live on three reservations. The tribes on these reservations are the Akwesasne, Ganienke, Kahnawake, Kanesatake, Kanatsiohareke, Six Nations, Tyendinega, and Wahta (Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, 2007). The tribe deals with many modern day problems that are similar in nature to the issues of the United States as a whole. Education is a concern for the tribe. The main issue of education is the focus on retaining their culture and obtaining the level of education needed in today’s society. Their answer to this problem was to found the Akwesasne Freedom School. This school was founded in 1979 by parents of the tribe for children in pre-k through eighth grade (Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, 2007). Besides the basic studies the curriculum focuses on culture beliefs and also includes a Mohawk language immersion program. Another concern of the Mohawk nation is the disputes of land ownership in their territories. The tribes of many areas in the New York and Canada area are fighting to keep rights to land that were allotted to them centuries ago. According to Connie Kidd, (2007) after the American War of Independence, during which Mohawk warriors fought as allies of the British, the Haudenosaunee were persecuted in their New York territories and so moved north to ancestral territories along the Grand River, which were reserved for them in the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784. This land was gradually taken out of their hands through disputes and surrenders. The tribes have had trouble being successful in getting the two governments along their  borders to honor separate treaties regarding land ownership. As in any other nation, crime is a concern for the Mohawk Indians. In the Mohawk territory smuggling has become a concern for the local citizens. Drugs, other contraband, and illegal border crossing have risen in the recent years. The smuggling problem seemed to have risen with increased taxes on tobacco in Canada. The smugglers, who are Mohawk Indians and other races, used the Akwesasne area to transport tobacco to Canada, so much so that the area became known as smugglers alley (Bonaparte, 2002). Another factor in the rise in smuggling is the duties that must be paid to bring goods into the Canadian side of the border. Since some of the Mohawk territory is divided between the Canadian and the United States borders the residents must pay to bring goods from one side to another. This has proven to be a hardship for the Mohawk Indians, especially in conducting business inside the reservation. The case of Mitchell vs. the Minister of National Revenue was a decision that stated the Mohawks of Akwesasne did not have an aboriginal right to bring trade goods across the border without paying duty (Bonaparte, 2002). This Canadian court decision, which itself took many years to decide, has affected the Mohawk Indians in conducting business inside and outside the reservation, and thus led to an increase in smuggling. The Mohawk Indians have had trouble combating this problem since the 15-member Tribal police force currently pays for border enforcement from its own operating budget that is supported by Tribal revenue (Indian Times, 2006). The tribes answer to help solve their crime problems is to train local Mohawks to serve in law enforcement. According to the Indian Times newspaper these tribal police officers are ideally suited to monitor this stretch of border as they are Akwesasne residents with an intimate knowledge of the territory (2006). The Office of Law Enforcement Services is responsible for improving law enforcement services and preserving the public’s safety throughout Indian Country. The United States has dealt with smuggling across the borders for many years and from every border. Prohibition times seen the smuggling trade rise in  this very same area yet the items were being smuggled into the United States instead of out. The methods of controlling this problem have changed since that time in history. Mohawk elders can recount that border patrol agents used deadly force to combat the smugglers, native and non-native alike (Indian Times 2006). Even though the smuggling issue has been present since the prohibition days in the early twentieth century the United States government is only now beginning to understand the impact it is having on the Mohawk and surrounding communities. In 2006 the Bureau of Indian Affairs awarded the Tribal Police Department with a grant to help combat the drug smuggling and the illegal border crossing problem in Akwesasne (Indian Times, 2006). This funding is intended to increase the number of native officers to help fight the crime in the community. The Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security are among other government offices that have awarded grants to the police department to aid in buying equipment and addressing other issues (Indian Times, 2006). By working together the two nations can fight an ever growing problem and keep the Mohawk and surrounding communities safe. The various funding from the United States government can be effective in financing the programs needed to protect the community. This cooperation between the two nations will benefit both in the long run. References Bonaparte, Darren. (2002). A line on the map. Wampum Chronicles. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from http://www.wampumchronicles.com/bordercrossing.html. Kidd, Connie. (2007, Feb. 26). What’s happening in Caledonia. [Electronic version]. Raise the Hammer. Retrieved April 6, 2008, from http://www.raisethehammer.org/index.asp?id=533. Indian Time Newspaper (2006, Oct. 16). Tribal police force to receive grant [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 4, 2008 from http://members.aol.com/miketben1/police3.htm. Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs (2007). Welcome to the homepage of the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs. Retrieved April 5, 2008, from http://pages.slic.com/mohawkna/home.html.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Become a Flight Attendant 13 Expert Tips

How to Become a Flight Attendant 13 Expert Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Do you dream of traveling for work, touching down in a new city every day and experiencing different cultures regularly? Do you love helping people, and live for customer interactions (even the not-so-pleasant ones)? If so, you might want to consider a career as a flight attendant. Despite their glamorous TV and movie reputation, flight attendant jobs are difficult. They’re also competitive to get. In this article, I’ll break down how to become a flight attendant by first deciding if a job as a flight attendant is right for you and, if so, how to apply for flight attendant jobs. Becoming a flight attendant is an exciting, unique career path that has the potential to transform your life. Interested in Becoming a Flight Attendant? Consider These Questions First Flight attendant jobs are exciting, unique, and well-respected. They can also be exhausting and intense and require you to make significant sacrifices in your personal life. Before beginning the lengthy application process to be a flight attendant, consider these questions. Are You Okay With Working Long, Difficult Hours? A flight attendant’s schedule, at best, includes long, difficult work days. At worst, a flight attendant’s schedule can be unpredictable and exhausting. Once becoming a flight attendant, you’ll be responsible for having specific days where you’ll have scheduled trips to complete. You’ll also be responsible for a handful of days each month where you must be on-call to jump on a trip if required. Your on days, and your on-call days, can be any days - weekdays, weekends, holidays, etc. As a first year flight attendant, you’ll likely have to be on or on call for most major travel days, and have less seniority in picking which trips to fly. That means that you’ll probably be working on holidays and almost definitely be working on at least some weekends. The trips you take will often be extremely difficult and tiring on your body. If you mainly fly short, national flights, you’ll likely have two or more flights in a day and be responsible for overseeing the customer service needs of hundreds of customers. If you fly international trips, you’ll probably only have to fly one trip a day, but you’ll typically have a quick turnaround time before you have to be on your next flight. The toll of traveling to so many different places so quickly can heavy on your body, as you’ll often be adjusting to different time zones and getting up extremely early or staying up very late. Are You Able to Commit to an Intense Training Process? Flight attendant training is a long, intense process. For flight attendant training, you’ll need to move to a specified training location, where you’ll live with other flight attendant trainees for the duration of the training, which can last for several months. Most airlines only have two or three training facilities, so you’ll likely be far away from home for the entirety of your training. Training days themselves are mentally and physically exhausting. You’ll be learning rules about how to keep people safe in the air, as well as practicing the physical skills you’ll need to help pack the planes or conduct safe evacuations. Would You Be Okay Moving For Work? Airlines have hubs where many of their flights originate, and their flight crews are often required to live nearby so that they can be ready to jump on a flight at a moment’s notice. If you don’t live near your airline’s hub, you’ll likely have to move, at least for the part of the month where you’re on-call. That can mean leaving your friends and family behind for large amounts of time. Do You Like Dealing With Customers? As a flight attendant, you’ll have to deal with customers all the time - and they won’t always be pleasant or happy to work with you. If you don’t like dealing with customers, being a flight attendant probably isn’t the right job for you. How to Become a Flight Attendant: Flight Attendant Requirements Still want to be a flight attendant? Applying for a job as a flight attendant is highly competitive. For instance, Delta regularly receives 100,000 applications during its open enrollment periods, from which they only accept several hundred trainees. Many airlines have strict requirements for their flight attendants. In this section, I’ll talk about what some of those requirements are. Keep in mind, however, that every airline has different requirements of its attendants. Flight Attendant Requirements for Minimum Age All airlines have minimum age requirements from applicants. These can range from 18 to 21 years old, depending on the airline. There is no maximum age requirement for flight attendants at any US airline. Flight Attendant Requirements for Physical Ability One of the greatest myths about being a flight attendant is that you need to be a beautiful supermodel in order to be a flight attendant. Not true! Airlines don’t have physical appearance requirements, but they do want you to look neat and well groomed. Normally, airlines tend to look for conservative, classic styles of dress and appearance. That means that your hair should be dyed a natural color and you shouldn’t have any visible tattoos or piercings, besides ears. In terms of height and weight, airlines require that you’ll be able to reach the overhead bins to store luggage and that you can fit into the jump-seat easily. Other than that, there are no hard or fast cutoffs for height or weight. Airlines require their flight attendants to have 20/20 vision, which can be achieved either naturally or through the use of contacts and/or glasses. Finally, some airlines may require you to undergo a medical or physical fitness test to ensure that you’re in good enough health to fulfill the job’s requirements. Flight Attendant Requirements for Education All US airlines require that you have a high school diploma or GED to apply. You must also be able to pass a full background check and drug screening. How to Become a Flight Attendant: Finding a Job Flight attendant jobs can be difficult to find. Airlines often have hiring windows throughout the year during which they accept applications. Very few US airlines are hiring year-round. To that end, here are some tips for finding the flight attendant job of your dreams. Decide Which Airlines You’d Like to Work For First, you should decide what airlines you’d like to fly for. All of the US airlines are very different. When considering which airline you’d like to fly with, think about the following questions. #1: Where do I want to fly? Not every airline flies the same places. If you’ve got your heart set on making it out to the Pacific Northwest, make sure you’re applying to an airline that flies there.#2: What’s my customer service philosophy? Each airline has its own philosophy about customer service. Read up on the airlines to see which matches your own customer service philosophy.:3: What’re other flight attendants saying about working for this airline? You can use online company review sites like Glassdoor to get a sneak peek into what it’s like to work at a different airline. These reviews can help you see the positives and negatives a company, so you can make a more informed decision about where to apply. Always take these reviews with a grain of salt, however–just because someone else had a bad experience, doesn’t mean you will, too. Use Job Search Sites Job sites like Indeed.com and Monster.com can help you find out when companies are hiring flight attendants. You can also check Flight Attendant Career, a website that provides information about open applicant periods for all airlines in one place. Check the Websites of Airlines You’re Interested In Another great way to find flight attendant jobs is to watch the websites of the airlines that you’re interested in applying to. They’ll often have information about open positions on their sites. How to Become a Flight Attendant: Applying for Jobs As I mentioned, applying to be a flight attendant is very competitive. In this section, I’ll talk about how you can stand out from the crowd during the application and interview process. How to Present a Polished Flight Attendant Application Hiring managers at airlines have to look through hundreds of thousands of applications. Here are a few tips to make your application stand out. Show Off Your Skills Airlines are often looking to hire flight attendants who have special skills, like exceptional customer service ability or a passion for travel. If you’ve proven yourself to be able to work with people in different situations, you’ll definitely want to highlight this on your application. For instance, if you’ve encountered and had to serve people from different backgrounds in a previous job, it’ll show that you’ve got what it takes to deal with people. Similarly, airlines are looking for candidates who will enjoy traveling, which will obviously be a large part of your job description. If you’ve traveled a lot, highlight that, even if it’s in a later section of your resume, such as personal interests or skills. Finally, if you’re looking to fly internationally, fluency in another language can help you truly stand out from the pack, as you’ll have to help customers whose first language isn’t English. Make sure that your application reflects any unique skills you have that’ll help you standout from the crowd. Highlight Your Experience If you have previous experience as a flight attendant or in other high-stress customer service fields, make sure you note that on your application and resume. Airlines are looking for flight attendants who’ll be able to provide exceptional customer service to all of their customers. When highlighting your customer service experience, make sure you provide context. For instance, if you’ve worked in a shop before, quantify the number of customers you dealt with on busy days, which’ll show that you can handle numerous customer interactions in one day. Even if you’ve worked in a less relevant position, highlight how you’ve had to be flexible and helpful to different groups of people. Check Your Application Carefully Because hiring managers need to quickly screen hundreds of thousands of candidates at one time, you’ll need to make sure that your application is free of errors or mistakes that may automatically disqualify you from the position. Check for typos or other easy-to-correct errors that’d make your application look less professional. Make Sure You Fulfill the Requirements Before applying, make sure you fulfill all the requirements for employment. For instance, if the airline requires that you have a passport, make sure you’ve got one. If you don’t, the hiring managers will likely get rid of your application right away. How to Stand Out at Your Interviews Flight attendant interview days can be stressful affairs. You’ll often be interviewed amongst hundreds of your peers who’re applying for the same limited spots. Follow these tips to stand out from the pack. Make Sure You Look Professional As I mentioned previously, airlines place a high value on having their flight attendants be neatly groomed. Make sure you’re wearing a professional outfit, that your hair is neatly combed, and that you are awake and alert during the interview. Practice Flight Attendant Skills Airlines may have you demonstrate flight attendant skills during your interview, such as making an announcement on the PA loudspeaker of an airplane or dealing with an unruly customer. Prepare for these scenarios ahead of time by practicing what you’d say over the loudspeaker (remember to speak slowly and clearly) or how you’d deal with an angry customer. Coming in prepared for any scenario will help you stand out and give you a sense of calm during the interview process. Demonstrate That You Can Work Well As Part of a Team Flight attendants are part of a team. They work with other flight attendants on the plane, as well as with the captains and first officers who fly the planes. Make sure that you demonstrate your ability to be a good teammate during the interview process. Be prepared to highlight specific examples from your previous work where you’ve had to collaborate with other employees or positively resolve a workplace conflict. If there are any group activities, treat your other applicants cordially and respectfully, even though you’re competing for the same job. Training to be a Flight Attendant Once you’ve been provisionally hired as a flight attendant, you still have to complete the long and difficult training. Not everyone who’s accepted to training makes its all the way through to officially become a flight attendant. Knowing what you’ll face when going into training can help prepare you. Flight attendant training is an intense, multi-week program. You’ll be in training from anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks. You’ll likely have to move away from home to be at the training, which means you’ll be away from your friends and family. Your training will consist of educational and physical portions. You’ll learn about the codes, rules, regulations, and theories you need to know to safely transport passengers from one place to another. You’ll also go through the physical requirements of being a flight attendant. You’ll learn how to evacuate a flight, how to stow and remove luggage, and how to protect and see to passengers in the event of an emergency. To complete your training, you’ll be required to pass a safety, emergency, and evacuation test administered by the FAA. For most airlines, you must pass with a 90% or higher in order to be accepted as a flight attendant. Review: Is a Career as a Flight Attendant Right for You? If you’re wondering how to become a flight attendant, it’s first important to understand if being a flight attendant is right for you. Flight attendant jobs are quite difficult, and the path to becoming a flight attendant is long and competitive. Make sure that your application is polished and competitive so that you standout from the pack.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Funny Selection of Philosophy Jokes

A Funny Selection of Philosophy Jokes There are plenty of hilarious philosophy jokes out there, some of which could easily be incorporated into teaching materials for both children and adults. From three books on the topic by Tom Cathcart and Dan Klein to the back pages of the internet, philosophy has borne the brunt of many a joke through the ages, offering both truth and humor to a rather grim observation of the human condition. The history of philosophy  is, in fact, riddled with humor. Cathcart and Klein Since 2007, the dynamic philosophy comedic duo of Tom Cathcart and Dan Klein have used humor to observe some basic truths around human psychology and ancient and modern philosophies. They famously taught the work you may even begin to understand philosophy through jokes, penning three books on the topic. Largely their structures hinged on telling a joke then explaining its relevance to the broader science. Their first book, Plato and Platypus Walk Into A Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes premiered in 2007 and was a major commercial hit, breaking down jokes according to philosophical branches or broad topics such as relativity. In it, it picks apart such jokes as what is the sound of one hand clapping, as they compare to Platos observations on topics like religion, logic, and reasoning. Aristotle and an Aardvark Go To Washington was their second book, published in 2008 and utilized politicians most awkward talk to take up philosophical issues. Their third book Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates: Using Philosophy (and Jokes!) to Explore Life, Death, the Afterlife, and Everything in Between (2009) is devoted to a single philosophical topic: immortality. Some of Historys Greatest Jokes Some notable and unsourceable jokes date all the way back to Platos time, in fact, The First Law of Philosophy is that for every philosopher, there exists an equal and opposite philosopher and the Second Law of Philosophy states that theyre both wrong. A common joke overheard  in 18th-century England was told as Did you hear that George Berkeley died? His girlfriend stopped seeing him! And more recently, you may have seen this gem plastered on bathroom stalls: God is dead - Nietzsche; Nietzsche is dead: God. Nothing is safe in the realm of philosophy jokes, especially not religion. Have you heard this one? What did the Buddhist say to the hot-dog vendor? Make me one with everything; What did the vendor then say to the Buddhist when he asked for change? Change comes from within! Ethics also hasnt avoided ridicule, as is the case with this famous joke. In it, a thoroughly secular young attorney and a philosopher were engaged in a fierce theological debate. Heaven and hell, you will agree, may very well be separated by a wall, contended the lawyer. Should it happen that this wall would fall down, who would you say must rebuild it? He posits that the righteous would insist that the wicked do it and the latter would likely refuse. He continues, If this case came before a judge, which do you believe would emerge the winner? The philosopher replied, It seems to me that any fair-minded judge would render a verdict against the wicked since the likelihood is that the wall should crumble from the fires of hell rather than from the bliss of Paradise, but on the other hand, I fully realize that hell surely contains a full quota of glib-tongued lawyers, and I should therefore not be surprised if they won the case.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Personal Statement Example Everything works as per a set order, the analytical skills of an accountant are tested at every stage and the organization to which he is part of, places great confidence on him and he is liable to create a fine-looking picture of the organization based on incontrovertible facts. I would like to be in such a responsible position handling Accounts and Finance in a top organization to start with and after gaining two-three years’ experience would like to establish my consultancy firm in an important commercial center. The position as an auditor to prepare and examine the financial records is also of immense interest to me and as such it is part of my career objective. I have great interest in financial analysis/planning and budget strategy design with full learning commitment. My career goal is to sharpen analytical, strategic and critical thinking skills in day-to-day job while performing accurate financial analysis. Having excelled in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Finance, from Southeast Missouri State University- Harrison College of Business, I am well conversant with the following subjects and accounting procedures: Financial Statements, Spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft VBA, Cash Flow Management, Business Valuation, General Ledger, Risk Management, Value Added Analysis, Regulatory Accounting, Trial Balance and P & L Management. As such I am in a position to confidently assert that I own the requisite skills to enable me to apply for the university education to obtain the master degree with major in Accounting. The subjects of Accounting and Finance match well and they are of enormous interest to me. The knowledge of one of them helps to develop the skill of the other. Studying these subjects has led me to greater understanding of various methods and concepts to visualize difficult business issues in a logical manner without getting confused about the