Sunday, March 22, 2020

IN TRODUCTION Essays - Technology, Information Technology, Structure

IN TRODUCTION The Information communication and technology policy was gazetted in 200 5 and the n it was passed into law which provided for the major aim of the policy is to address the digital divide in Zimbabwe . The ICT policy is aimed at the dev elopment of infrastructure for information communication technology and ensuring that most of the Zimbabwean population has access to quality service . This write up shall bring out the details on the background of the policy , its aims, its impact having to look at the strengths and the weaknesses from evaluation and comments of different authorities, actors and the targeted population BACKGROUND OF THE POLICY The development and application of Information Communication Technologies ( ICT s) since Independence in 1980 to date, has seen unprecedented change due to the fast technological developments that have been registered in ICT the sector. The realisation of this growth has come with the realisation of the indispensable nature of ICT s by the Government of Zimbabwe, which worked on the first National ICT Policy . The major aim of the policy is to address the digital divide in Zimbabwe ICT policy is aimed at the development of infrastructure like telecommunication , communication computer hardwares and softwares in support of ICT . T he p olicy was formulated due to the culmination of the realisation that the fast moving technological development in the ICT sector requires that policies be reviewed at certain intervals so that the country does not lag behind in this information age. The Gove rnment, through the Ministry, with the financial assistance from the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, embarked on an exercise to review the first ICT Policy. POLICY GOALS Policy goals according to Dunn (1981:214) are "aim or purpose which is broadly stated, formally defined, unspecified as to time and target groups and unquantified." According to the National information and communication technology policy framework (2005) The ICT policy has aims to facilitate provision and maintenance of infrastructural facilities necessary for ICT s development. They want to embark on extensive capacity building and training programmes to provide adequate supply of qualified ICT s personnel and knowledge in all sectors of the economy. The policy also intends to establish institutional mechanisms and procedures for determining sectorial application of priorities. The policy also seek to promote, support and enhance the development and use of ICT s at the same time ensuring equitable access to benefits offered by ICT across sectors of society. More so, the policy document also aims to promote resear ch and d evelopment of local ICT s to compete with international products. In addition , the policy also endeavour's to narrow digital divide through enhancing public awareness and education on ICT .it also seek to expansion of basic and supportive communication infrastructure, develop local content in vernacular and also establishing a business culture open to new ICT s based economic dispensation. The policy intends to put in place a robust, coherent and internally consistent national policy framework, removing disparate policies in the ICT sector which has resulted in Zimbabwe adopting different systems and standards and duplication of efforts. STRENGTH AND IMPACTS OF ICT POLICY The policy was formulated, with the main goal being that the digital divide be addressed, which brings one to a conclusion that a positive impact would be a situation where such has been achieved. The policy sought to enhance network access which is the quality, the accessibility of network in the various places of the country which is also in co-ordination of the mission of addressing the digital divide issue, network providers like Econet and Telecel have aided by installing network boosters countrywide. Networked economy was also achieved to a certain extent and this has to do with the extent to which the corporate world and business are integrating ICT into their business and code of conducting, with the example of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) making it mandatory for all registered companies to have, automated registers and till operating systems that are connected to the internet. Through the ZimSwitch banking system, and mobile banking individuals for subscribers to network providers like Econet and Telecel receiving e-banking banking services. T he creation

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