Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Truth About Successful People - 875 Words

The Truth About Successful People ![Steve Jobs]( Don t we all want to be successful and admired? But how can we model our lives after those who have already been successful? Let s take a look at one person who almost everyone would call a success: Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs pounced on an opportunity when it came to him. And that opportunity, since he lived in Silicon Valley as a child and even died there, was in electronics. He really didn t search for opportunities (e.g. he didn t research what jobs make the most aren t googling that are you?), instead he took advantage of opportunities when they were presented. Successful people don t go looking for resources first (money) and they don t follow their passion (if Steve Job was that passionate about computers he would have been more of a Steve Wozniak). (Note: Or, another way to find successful, you can be so passionate about something, you do not need someone to tell you to follow your passion, you just do it and become successful, like Steve Wozniak or Neil deGrasse Tyson. If you aren t that passionate about something, and only an elite few are, you probably need to follow another path.) **Most successful people are resourceful in life, they aren t passionate about something (the passion comes later).** As Mike Rowe, from Dirty Jobs, says, Don t Pursue Your Passion. Chase Opportunity. How do successful people take advantage of opportunity? How are theyShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Being Truthful Are Long Hidden : The Sun, The Moon, And The Truth1492 Words   |  6 Pageshidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth, this is a saying of Buddha. Which means, it doesn’t matter how much a person tries the truth never stays hidden.Most human beings lie at some point in their lives. People lie for different causes. 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